When Calls the Heart Wiki

This wiki follows the Hallmark series When Calls the Heart and it's spin off series When Hope Calls. We are always looking for help and new editors, check with an admin if you have any questions!


When Calls the Heart Wiki
When Calls the Heart Wiki

Clara Flynn (formerly Stanton) is a recurring character in Season 2-8 of the drama series When Calls the Heart. She is portrayed by Eva Bourne.


Clara Flynn was the widow of Abigail Stanton's son, Peter Stanton. Clara and Peter were only married for 2 days before he was killed in the coal mine collapse with his father and 46 other men.


Season 2[]

She came into Coal Valley in Season 2 during the hearing of the investigations into the coal mining company as a witness. As Peter’s widow, she had pertinent information for the case.

In Hamilton, Clara had fallen afoul of a loan shark, to whom she owed $500. She had borrowed the money for medical bills. Since she couldn’t repay the debt, he forced her into servitude. She worked 7 days a week with no breaks. Bill confronted the man, using his influence as a Mountie to get him to release Clara from servitude since she’d already worked off the debt. Clara returned with Abigail Stanton after Abigail and Bill went to find her in Hamilton. In order to get back on her feet, she worked at Abigail's Cafe as a waitress.

Soon after Clara moved to Hope Valley, she met a young man named Luke McCoy, who was new in town. After meeting at the Mercantile, Luke asked Clara to the ice cream social. At first, she refused, out of a sense of loyalty to Abigail and the memory of her late husband. Abigail was aware of this, and reassured Clara that she was fine with her dating again. Peter wouldn’t have wanted her to be alone. After taking with Abigail and Elizabeth, Clara decided to go with Luke to the ice cream social.

Season 3[]

She worked at Dottie's Fine Apparel.

Season 4[]

Season 5[]

Season 6[]

In 1916, when the Queen of Hearts was reopened for business, she worked there as a waitress in order to save up more money to build her future with Jesse Flynn.

Season 7[]

She married Jesse Flynn in Season 7.

Season 8[]

Jesse and Clara are having issues. Both wake up late and bicker, Jesse wants to fix things but Clara is just plain mad. She goes into work at the café still mad, telling Fiona how Jesse doesn't understand how busy she is. Jesse shows that is true when he interrupts her yelling from their apartment above the café, "Where's my boot?" despite the fact she is at work. [1]

Rosemary finds Clara crying in Dottie's dress shop stating she doesn't know what's wrong with Jesse as all he wants to do is be alone and read. She is heart broken. [1]

Clara works hard at Dottie's Dress Shop to sell new pants suits that Dottie has sent to them to sell. Rosemary makes a comment about Clara possibly taking over the dress shop someday which surprises everyone. [1] Clara gets told about the dress shop possibly closing down and is sad as she loves it there. [2]

Clara and Faith are excited about Fiona new adventure, Fiona bought a barber shop to run. Clara helps Fiona with painting the shop while Fiona confides in Clara that she bought the shop as it is where all the men talk. [1] Clara tries to help out Fiona by bringing in a really reluctant Jesse into her barbershop for a haircut. [3] While Fiona Miller was away visiting family, Clara agrees to work at the barber shop. She is nervous about running the shop but Faith assures her that she will do great. [4] Clara makes the change of the shop being open for a women's day and a men's day to accommodate the town which is really to avoid cutting men's hair which she is nervous about doing. While attempting to do Molly's hair with a hot iron, she accidentally burns part of it off. [5] She later helps Molly who has bought hair extensions to replace the burnt off hair. Clara is able to help Molly and makes her hair really nice. She finally cuts Hickham's hair for free and does a great job as well which has Clara planning to stay working at the barbershop even after Fiona returns. [6]

Lee and Rosemary gave a gift of a bicycle built for two. It was a really nice gesture. Jesse decides to bring Clara flowers to make up for their fighting. Clara buys him a new book. [1] Later during the fight about the loss of savings, Clara serves him breakfast confiding in Bill she is ready to ask him to come back home. Bill thinks that's a really good idea. [6] Clara finds out Jesse was helping Joseph to host a vigil for Ned during his surgery and was surprised as Jesse was not religious. While looking for Jesse, Clara finds Joseph and is shown a swing that Jesse built. Joseph tells Clara to invite Jesse back home as you cannot reunite while split apart. He says enjoy their time together and ignore the money discussions. He will help with that discussion later if needed. [7] Jesse brings her flowers but finds her instead shortening Rachel's skirt. They fight again with Clara declaring she can wear her skirt however she would like. [7]

Jesse borrows and tries to convince Clara to have him buy the motorbike. He makes some good points but Clara isn't convinced dismissing him. He buys the bike anyway claiming Clara wants him to be happy which upsets Clara. She and Faith bond over chocolate cake. [8] After Jesse helps move a chair into the barbershop for Clara, she gives him a cheek kiss before shutting the door on his face still upset he bought the motorbike. [4]

At the cafe, Clara tells Bill that the dress shop is closing down. [4] Bill Avery offers her more hours and to possibly buy out Abigail's share. Clara excitedly shared the news with Jesse, who was not keen on the offer. Clara is nervous he is hiding something. She later found out that Jesse withdrew all their savings from the bank and confronted him. After Jesse admitted to losing all the money in a bad investment, she asked him to leave their house. [5] Clara later tells Bill about what Jesse has done and is clearly upset. She then confides in Faith who assures her all will be all right even though Faith isn't even sure all will be alright with her and Carson. [6]

Bill has to go away for a few days so asks Clara to watch over the café. Minnie volunteers that she loves to cook so Clara invites her to join her in working there. Jesse arrives and asks Clara to talk and she agrees. [9] Clara in charge of Ned and Florence's wedding, is frazzled but happily gets help with Minnie who tells her to "Just breathe". Minnie helps her to make the food for the bachelorette party. Clara yells at Jesse thinking he was eating it but then fells bad learning he was not. She apologizes to him but he assures her that she does not have to. Later Clara realizes she has never made a wedding cake. Neither has Minnie but they can learn together. It turns out that Carson helps while Clara works on the dress with the other ladies. [10]

When Jesse disappears, Clara notices and goes to ask Nathan for help but instead sees Wyman in a jail cell. She asks him how he could have taken Jesse and hers savings. Wyman returns their money warning they might regret it when Hope Valley becomes a big deal when he builds his factory. Clara is too worried about Jesse even crying feeling awful that she fought with him, after Lee finds his car with no Jesse in it. She only wants him home. [11] She helps Lee to make a cake for Jesse when he returns. Nathan finally returns with Jesse! Clara is so happy to see him she runs to him. They then take off on their second honeymoon taking their newly returned money with them.[12]

Season 9[]

A letter revealed that in between seasons 8 and 9, Jesse and Clara had left Hope Valley and moved to a homestead in Montana.





  • In Season 2, episode 6, Clara had a brief courtship with Luke McCoy, showing that both she and Abigail could move on from her short marriage to Peter. However, Luke never returned after this episode and was later replaced with Jesse as Clara's new love interest.

