When Calls the Heart Wiki

This wiki follows the Hallmark series When Calls the Heart and it's spin off series When Hope Calls. We are always looking for help and new editors, check with an admin if you have any questions!


When Calls the Heart Wiki
When Calls the Heart Wiki

What I want is to be a good man, an honest man.


Lucas Bouchard is a main character in the Hallmark drama When Calls the Heart. He is portrayed by Chris McNally.


Lucas grew up an only child in a fairly privileged household, where his father, Martin, was a businessman, and his mother, Helen, was an editor. The family traveled a lot so he had a hard time making friends, but he soon worked through this barrier by learning magic tricks to dazzle the children. By the time Lucas reached Hope Valley, he was a world traveler who seldom stayed in one place for long. He purchased The White Stallion Saloon and renamed it Queen of Hearts. Lucas didn't reveal much about himself and some in the town became suspicious of him.


Season 6[]

He was first introduced in Season 6 and almost immediately falls in love with the town's teacher, Elizabeth Thornton for whom he donates a library to the town and with whom he begins a friendship with strong romantic overtones.

Lucas came into town under a veil of mystery. Eventually, it is shown that his secretiveness is because he was hiding from a dangerous loan shark, Amos Dixon, who had attempted to burn down the business of a woman named Jeanette, later revealed to be Lucas’s ex~girlfriend, when she couldn't repay the loan. Lucas saved Jeanette from the burning building and challenged Dixon to a game of cards in order to get Jeanette's loan forgiven. When he discovered Dixon was cheating, he also cheated, the one and only time in his life that he did so. Dixon wound up in jail but was let out (presumed by Lucas to be because of his connections,) and was coming to settle the debt. Lucas struck out on horseback to go to Cape Fullerton to protect Jeanette, but was persuaded by Nathan Grant, the town's Mountie, to let the Mounties protect her. He returns to Hope Valley but finds when he enters the saloon that Dixon is there and he is holding Elizabeth captive. He tells Dixon that he can have everything that Lucas has but asks him to let Elizabeth go. Eventually, Nathan shows up and shoots toward Dixon and Elizabeth gets herself free. Once she is out of danger, Lucas tackles Dixon and Nathan retrieves Dixon's gun. Elizabeth is upset, but quickly forgives Lucas once she learns of the event's backstory at the season's end, She is seen choosing Lucas as her dance partner and looking toward the door with a haunted expression as Nathan leaves the saloon.

Season 7[]

An off-handed comment from Elizabeth led her to reveal to Lucas that she had tried to have a book of short stories published but was unsuccessful after submitting it to two publishers. Lucas asked if he could read the stories and she agreed. After reading them, he told Elizabeth that she was a good writer but her writing needed to go deeper and she should write from the heart. After Elizabeth decided to write a novel, Lucas submitted chapters from Elizabeth's new novel to his mother, Helen, without Elizabeth's knowledge. Elizabeth is upset and Lucas admits that he overstepped and all is forgiven.

The relationship continues to grow as Lucas takes Elizabeth to Union City in order to see Virginia Woolf. There, they have an intimate conversation over dinner where Lucas reveals that part of the reason he came to Hope Valley was to find the perfect place to stop and start a family. Elizabeth is intrigued, so Lucas continues and tells her about his father who courted his mother for five years before she agreed to marry him. She loved him. She just wanted to be sure. Elizabeth asks Lucas "So, you plan to be patient like your father?" Lucas responds, "I have always had faith that I would know the perfect woman when I met her, and I will wait as long as I have to to win her heart."

Later, in the season, he treats her to a celebration by candlelight in the library over the fact that Elizabeth's book is being picked up by a publisher. The evening is not an official date but is full of romantic overtones. The next day however, Lucas is shaken when it had appeared that Nathan was killed and when Elizabeth found out that Nathan is still alive, she runs to embraces him in the sight of Lucas and the whole town.

Season 8[]

Offscreen, Lucas stays in town, apparently brooding over the incident and eventually goes to help friends in Grand Isle, Louisiana help rebuild a school after a hurricane. He hoped by going that he would gain perspective. [1]

Season 8 begins with Lucas's return to town from Louisiana and his admission to Elizabeth that he had been avoiding her and left town because he was jealous over the hug with Nathan. He felt ashamed and apologized for leaving town without saying goodbye. Later that day, he explains where he went and that he did so to get perspective. When asked if he got his perspective, he said yes. Whatever she decides. He wants her to be happy. [1]


Lucas allowed Nathan to borrow $1,000. He asked why but gave it even when Nathan refused to tell him (that it was to give to Allie's dad, Dylan, in exchange for him leaving them alone). He asks if Nathan was sure that was enough as it must be important since he was willing to ask him for it. Nathan assured him it was. [1]

Lucas talks to Carson about what he dreamed of doing. Lucas admits he did not plan to run an oil company. Carson asked if he has just accepted his destiny. Lucas denies that as he likes to think he is in charge of his own destiny. [2]

During Ned's surgery, Lucas helps Joseph to set up a vigil at the school. While there they discuss Joseph being a pastor and the fact there is an opening in the town for one. [3]

Lucas goes to talk to Lee about his missing pocket watch. Neither has seen it. Lucas has an idea as he goes to talk to Christopher next. He asks Christopher if he has seen the pocket watch. Christopher denies that he has but promises sarcastically to keep an eye out for it. Lucas isn't impressed and warns Christopher that if he finds out that he took the watch or has pickpocketed in town, he'll be on the next stagecoach out of town. [4]

Lucas runs into Nathan after telling Christopher to spend time with Henry. Nathan declares that he is not giving up on Elizabeth. Lucas accepts this as long as he is sure he has the best interest of Allie and Elizabeth in mind as he does this. [5] Allie goes to talk to Lucas at the saloon. She wanted to return his adoption gift because both Lucas and Nathan like Elizabeth. Lucas shared a story about how man got between his parent so he bit his ankle. He said he would work things out with Nathan so Allie didn't have to. Allie happily kept the gift then shared this excitedly with Elizabeth who was upset by it and gave Nathan a glare. [6]

Oil Company[]

Lucas now owns the oil company but it has stopped flowing. Hickam mentions he had heard of something called "shooting the well." It's where you create a controlled explosion in order to start the oil flowing. Henry think it's dangerous but Lucas still looks interested. [1] Later on, Henry and Lucas discuss business but a partnership isn't agreed upon at first. Henry offers to get his hands dirty for Lucas who still isn't convinced the partnership is a good idea. [7] Lucas says digging at the well is causing more trouble than it's worth and offers jokingly for Lee to buy it. Lee is not interested. [8] Lucas and Hickam wait for oil after digging. Suddenly they strike oil but the celebration is cut short as there is an explosion that can be heard all the way into town. Lucas and Hickam are unharmed but the rig is on fire. Thankfully Henry sees the blast and heads towards it, Bill and Nathan join in to fight the fire. Henry knows what to do to put the fire out. They must use dynamite to put out the fire. It's dangerous but thanks to Fiona, Jesse and Ned joining Lucas, Hickam, Bill and Nathan, they are able to put out the fire. [8] After many talks, Lucas meets up with Henry asking him if he's willing to come back to the oil company. Henry agrees so Lucas gives him a key. [2] Lucas comes into the rig to see an upset Christopher digging a trench. Lucas suggests he takes some time off to spend time with Henry. Christopher refuses telling him unless he's willing to get into the mud with him to go away. [9]

Henry jumps in to do the hard work and his son, Christopher helps as well. Lucas lets Christopher know that there is no money in this business so far but hopes Henry can change that. [4] Lee then asks Lucas to keep an eye out for his pocket watch that went missing a week ago. Lucas goes and visits Christopher asking if he has seen it. Christopher denies he has and Lucas threatens to send him out on the next stage coach if he catches him pickpocketing in town. [10] It was revealed he had a son whom Lucas brought to town to keep an eye on him as Henry reengaged with the oil business. Whether or not Lucas knew Christopher was Henry's son at the time isn't known. He found Christopher's name in some papers Henry left at the oil company when Lucas took it over to keep it from going bankrupt. Henry and Lucas made up after Lucas confessed his role in bringing Christopher to town. [11]

Lucas meets up with Henry and tries to talk him into not leaving. Henry says the saloon, the hotel and the business does not matter. Lucas wonders, 'What does matter?" Henry isn't sure but he is determined to find out rather than accept some fleeting pleasure. He wants to find out what will bring him true comfort. Lucas wishes him luck.[12]

Lucas and his mother[]

Lucas asks Elizabeth to go and meet with his mother who hasn't left her hotel room yet. Later on a walk with her son, Lucas, asks his mother what shee thinks of Elizabeth. Helen confides in him that she thinks she is going to like Elizabeth to which he replies that she has that effect on people. Lucas confesses to his mother when questioned, that Elizabeth is the reason he stayed in Hope Valley. [7] Lucas runs into his mother after the oil explosion. She is upset saying he is all she has left. This confuses Lucas as he still does not know his father left Helen but mentions he is having trouble getting ahold of his father. No one volunteers why. [8]

While working with Helen on her book, Elizabeth learns a big secret, that Helen and Lucas's dad are no longer together. Lucas's dad has left her. Helen asks Elizabeth to keep this to herself which causes Elizabeth to be short to Lucas not wanting to ruin the secret. [8] Later it comes out that Lucas's father left his mother, Helen and that Elizabeth knew, Lucas confronted her on it being angry but managed to cool down admitting that he wasn't just upset with Elizabeth but also upset that his parents had fallen out of love. Elizabeth tells Lucas that she told Helen to fight for love. Lucas asked Elizabeth a pointed question, "What do you know about it?" Feeling hurt Elizabeth leaves not saying anything. [8] Elizabeth later talks to Lucas explaining how she felt. He apologizes for saying that and she tells him that she told Nathan that she cannot see him. She would not commit with what that meant for them but both were happy and smiling. [13] Lucas reveals to Elizabeth that his father has returned to his mother. [10] Lucas receives a package from his mother and it is Elizabeth's manuscript. [14]

Dating Elizabeth[]

Lucas surprises Elizabeth with a horse and buggy ride followed by the perfect dinner date where he promises that he's ok with Elizabeth's request to take it slow as he has all the time in the world. [15] They go on another date to the Pond where they almost kiss. Elizabeth repeats her request to take it slow. Lucas again agrees and they share a laugh as they get soaked by a sudden rain storm. [16] Even after a beautiful date, Elizabeth still does not want public signs of affection like holding hands, insisting she wants to take things slow. [10] When discuses Henry's son, Elizabeth wonders why Henry never mentioned him before. Lucas answers with a quote, "Every man has his secret sorrows that the world knows not." Elizabeth gives this some thought and answers the next time she sees him hat she does not wat him to have secret sorrows and instead wants him to share them privately and publicly. Then she asks him to walk her home taking his hand in hers! [17]

Elizabeth talks to Lucas about the fact she was the only on invited to Allie's ceremony. During the conversation, Lucas takes a phone call where he talks in French. He is trying to get a gift for his parents. He invites her to lunch. She accepts. [9] While seeing Allie sad, Elizabeth expresses fear over this happening if she stayed friends with Nathan. Lucas said he's fine if she stays friends with Nathan but is afraid that's not going to be enough for Nathan. [9] During their dinner plans, Lucas us upset as he had no idea the seriousness of Henry's condition. Elizabeth offered to sit and talk but the closeness was too much for him so he tells her to leave so he can be patient with her. She left having feelings of her own. [9]

Lucas meets Elizabeth at the school house. She is upset that he and Nathan have to work things out and doesn't want to be caught in the middle. She then apologize explaining that Nathan kept information from her about Jack's death. Lucas offers to find out why he did that but she said she would figure it out herself. Lucas promises to always be there for her. [18]

During Florence and Ned's wedding, Nathan and Lucas talk. Lucas tells Nathan that Allie visited him in the saloon and he explains what she said and he tells Lucas he thinks they can handle this between them without including Allie. Nathan appreciates keep Allie out of it. Lucas then adds that if Nathan could stop declaring his love for Elizabeth, it would help avoid these things. Then Elizabeth takes Nathan outside and explains that she does not blame him for Jack's death. They hold hands for a moment just as Lucas watches. [19]

Lucas offers to take Elizabeth for lunch and helps her hang a sign which creates an intimate moment. Elizabeth breaks the moment when she sees Nathan outside. Lucas starts to ask Elizabeth why she left the wedding without even saying goodbye but Minnie comes to let Elizabeth know Landis is back in town. [20]

Lucas and Elizabeth officially begin publicly courting, but Elizabeth has conflicting feelings concerning Nathan. Everywhere Lucas looks, he sees Nathan and Elizabeth having tender moments together. Eventually, Lucas sets Elizabeth free in order to determine for herself who her true love is, again telling her that he wants her to be happy. [21]

After a few days pass, it appears to Lucas that Elizabeth has not chosen to be with him. Heartbroken, he considers selling the saloon and leaving town. Nathan stops by the saloon and tells Lucas that Elizabeth visited him to tell him that she loves him, but isn't "in love" with him. He encourages Lucas to stick around. Still, without a visit from Elizabeth, Lucas isn't sure where the two of them stand. He struggles with whether to move on. A conversation with Henry Gowen seems to convince him to pursue that which gives him comfort, rather than plunging himself into material things. He goes to find Elizabeth who is despondent thinking he left town. He finds her at a bridge that is special to the couple and the couple reunite and kiss for the first time. Later, they have a romantic get together in the library, arranged by Elizabeth to celebrate the publication of her book, A Single Mother on the Frontier. Both declare that they have 'fallen deeply' for the other and look forward to where their love story will take them.

Season 9[]

Lucas began the season with the realization that business was taking him away from a growing relationship with Elizabeth and her son, Jack Jr, and he decided to sell his majority ownership in Gowen Petroleum to oil investors. Unbeknownst to him, the investor Fiona Miller brought to town to invest, Jerome Smith, had a preexisting relationship with Henry Gowen and the former Pacific Northwest Mining company that's negligence resulted in the death of 47 men in the mine collapse that started the series. Henry Gowen became angry and assaulted Smith when he saw him, and Smith had him thrown into jail. Smith left town angry and Fiona followed him to San Francisco to save the deal (on her own volition) she returned with a check obligating Lucas to sell but by then Lucas understood through Henry that Smith and company would likely reopen the mine.

At the same time, Lucas embroiled himself in a plot to foil grifter, Wyman Walden, and beat him at his own game. Lucas's good intentions did not go as planned and he found himself physically assaulted and later thrown into jail as a result of Walden's nefarious activities. A few days later he was cleared of wrong doing but the celebration was short lived when he discovered Henry Gowen had agreed to manage to reopening of the mine (which Henry later blew up). Due to the stress of the situation, Lucas became depressed and began to withdraw but after taking a ride up to the Mountains to clear his head. He returned to town only to see the saloon on fire. Stepping in, he, Lee, Mike, Henry and Nathan as well as Gustave and other townspeople put out the fire.

Throughout all of this time Lucas and Elizabeth's relationship continued to grow as did his role as a father-figure to little Jack to the point that at the end of the season Lucas asked Elizabeth of she would allow him to be a father to her son and she would agree to be his wife. Elizabeth said, "Yes to it all,” and the three of them walked hand in hand down the road.

Season 10[]

In 1920, Lucas and Elizabeth were in love and planning their October 24th wedding. A villain named Montague came into town and stayed at the Queen of Hearts. It is later found out that Montague was working with the current governor, Bixby Balfour, of the parliamentary division for Union City to divert water from all of the small towns. Lucas stepped up and exposed Balfour and ultimately challenged him for his seat. This was not a position he wanted to take but one he felt he had to take to save Hope Valley.

As he went to accept his party's nomination, Elizabeth, who said she would go with him, broke up with him instead. She told him she couldn’t give him her whole heart, but he deserved to be with someone who could. He wished her every happiness and boarded the train. Three weeks later, he was in full campaign mode and called Elizabeth, telling her he felt he had found his calling. The election occurred on October 24, 1920, the same day that Elizabeth and Lucas were to have been married. Lucas won by 22 votes.

Governor-Elect Bouchard was leaving his campaign headquarters when he was spotlighted by bright headlights. Lucas was confronted by an old girlfriend, Jeanette Aucoin, and her accomplice. The accomplice pulled a gun on Jeanette, so Lucas grabbed for the gun in order to protect her. In the struggle, it went off, shooting Lucas in the leg. Lucas hit his head and went unconscious. Jeanette’s accomplice was about to shoot Lucas again and kill him, but she stopped him.

Season 11[]

Due to the events on Election Night, Lucas ended up in the hospital in Capital City with a gunshot wound, a head injury, and significant blood loss. Over a period of months, he began to regain his strength and was able to get back to work, with the assistance of Edwin Mitchel. Elizabeth and Bill went to visit him in the hospital, and later, the Coulter family joined them. Lucas said he couldn't remember who shot him, and eventually, a suspect named Clayton Pike was apprehended. Lucas made a radio broadcast, announcing his plan for a resort to be built in Hope Valley.[22]

Due to the resort project, Lucas was advised that he should sell The Queen of Hearts in order to avoid a conflict of interest. Lee and Rosemary Coulter agreed to buy the saloon and leave Mike Hickam in charge of managing it. Lucas made a surprise return to Hope Valley toward the end of Nathan's birthday party, where the people gathered there sang "For He's a Jolly Good Fellow."[23]

Lucas struggled to find bidders for the resort project. The only two people who submitted bids were Bernhardt Montague and Jeanette Aucoin. Lucas did not like or trust either of them, but eventually became desperate enough to accept Montague’s bid. However, Montague was attacked by Jeanette’s henchman, and withdrew his bid. Jeanette returned at Lucas’s request. At that time, Lucas was unaware of Jeanette’s identity as Casimir Shaw, or that she had directed her henchman to attack Montague. After Jeanette’s alias was revealed, Lucas was able to stop her from shooting anyone and stall for time so the Mounties could arrest her.

After the resort project failed, Lucas decided to build a national park.

Season 12[]

In the autumn of 1921, Lucas was working on moving forward with the national park. He recruited Lee Coulter to work on it with him, and pushed for Lee to come to Capital City to meet with politicians. Lee wanted to go, but Rosemary was completely against it, and it wasn’t until Lucas offered to name the park after Goldie that she finally relented. Lucas decided to just bring Lee with him to the city, leaving Henry at home in Hope Valley. On the train, Edwin Mitchel suddenly appeared, offering his services with the national park. Lucas was open to hearing him out, although Lee was not.




  • Elizabeth Thornton (ex-fianceé): Elizabeth and Lucas met in 1916, and he was immediately taken with her. She was intrigued by him too, but was not ready for a relationship at first because of her grief over Jack. In 1917, Lucas encouraged Elizabeth to take up writing again and sent her manuscript to his mother, who was an editor. They went on an unofficial date to Union City to hear Virginia Woolf give a book reading. In 1918, Elizabeth decided to allow Lucas to officially court her, but there continued to be mixed signals regarding her relationship with Nathan. Lucas broke up with her so she could find her true love. Elizabeth decided to stay with Lucas, and kissed him on a bridge, thanking him for waiting for her. They continued courting in 1919 and got engaged that autumn. The plan was for an October wedding in 1920. Lucas and Elizabeth began planning the wedding, but as time went on, Elizabeth began to lose interest. They began to slowly drift apart as her unresolved feelings for Nathan began to bubble up to the surface. Finally, Lucas decided to run for governor to save the region from a water diversion scheme. Elizabeth realized that her love for Lucas wasn’t strong enough to sustain a marriage, and ended their engagement right before Lucas left for the campaign. After the split, Elizabeth continued to support Lucas in his role as governor.
  • Jeanette Aucoin (ex-girlfriend): Jeanette and Lucas had a brief relationship in New Orleans. Lucas ended their relationship because he wanted a different kind of life for himself.


Business Associates[]




