When Calls the Heart Wiki

This wiki follows the Hallmark series When Calls the Heart and it's spin off series When Hope Calls. We are always looking for help and new editors, check with an admin if you have any questions!


When Calls the Heart Wiki
When Calls the Heart Wiki

Molly Sullivan is a recurring character in the Hallmark drama When Calls the Heart. She is portrayed by Johannah Newmarch.



Season 1[]

Season 2[]

Season 3[]

Season 4[]

Season 5[]

Season 6[]

Season 7[]

Season 8[]

Molly is seen tasting chili for Bill. She is honest (the only person who was) telling him that he had better keep the recipe a secret as it was that bad. Bill wonders why Fiona is being so secretive but runs into Molly while trying to figure it out. Both comment on how the other should not snoop around. [1]

Molly has dinner with Florence but cannot stop staring at Bill who is having dinner with Lucas's mother, Helen, Molly is surprised to learn it's Helen. Molly thinks she's made a fool of herself and avoids Bill until he finally corners her. She admits she feels foolish but Bill admits he's been single so long he doesn't know the signs. Molly still feeling very embarrassed scolds Bill saying, "Don't flatter yourself." [2]

Florence and Molly watch as something is delivered to the mercantile. Molly wonders if it is the new beehive ordered for Ned. Molly wants to get a present for Bill just like Florence did for Ned. Florence states this is going to be hard as Bill has everything he wants but Molly knows he doesn't have one thing...a wife. [3]

Molly is working at the infirmary. She started after Faith left for school and continued. She walked in a few times when Faith and Carson were kissing and would always walk out not saying a word. [4]

Molly goes to Lottie's dress shop where Rosemary and Rachel pick out a new dress for her. Excited, Molly takes the dress. When she wears it, Bill is distracted so at first says nothing. Molly isn't upset as she says she's in for the long game. Later on though Bill compliments her on the dress saying, "That was some dress!" [5]

Molly goes into see Clara to get her hair done. Bill stops by and she quickly covers herself up with a towel over her head. Bill talks to Clara then on his way of leaving after being told it's woman's day, greets Molly. Molly is embarrassed as she's sitting there with a towel over her head. Clara tries to put a curl into her hair using a hot iron but instead burns her hair off. Molly screams and it can be heard throughout town. [6]

Molly orders something and it came in the mail. Molly brings it over to Clara at the barbershop. Opening it, she reveals hair extensions that match the color of her hair perfectly. Clara gets to work right away adding them to Molly's hair. Molly shows her new hairstyle to Faith who thinks Clara did a wonderful job. [7]

Molly brings soup to Florence who will not leave Ned's bedside. [8] While Carson makes plans to make the infirmary bigger like the one in Union City, Faith shares with Molly her fear that the only way Carson would take the job is if Faith were to go with him. [9]

Molly comes to visit Bill at his office. She asks him to put on his Mountie uniform one more time promising it will fit (she fixed it for him). She assures him that "it is the man who makes the uniform, not the other way around." He does and puts on a show for everyone posing for a picture while having his horse rear up. [10]

At Ned and Florence's party, Bill mimics something and Molly is the only one able to guess. [11]

After Carson leaves. Faith told Fiona and Clara that Carson can be gone for up to two years and there is no guarantees he will ever return. Just then Florence and Molly arrive. Florence thanks everyone for her party saying she had so much fun. Faith comments she appreciates how open and honest Ned is about his feelings for Florence. Then Mike arrives asking Fiona to dinner. She accepts. After Mike leaves, Fiona assures them it is just two friends having dinner. [12]

Florence needs her hair done for the wedding. Molly, Rosemary, Faith and Clara all have opinions n how she should wear her hair. Later on Ned asks Molly to see Florence. She refuses insisting he wait until the wedding ceremony. Ned insists it's important but Molly just won't hear of it. [13]

Florence still does not have a dress for the wedding. Molly has the special one she bought to impress Bill and knows that it will be perfect once it is altered. Molly knows they need all the helpers they can get and has an idea. She swaps Carson in to help Minnie make the wedding cake and brings Clara in to help sew the dress. [13]

Florence tries on her dress and looks beautiful. Everyone did such a great job. Florence asks to speak to Molly privately. She thanks Molly for her sacrifice knowing that this was Molly's dress. She has always wanted the best for her, even at her own expense. She has always been there to pick her up when she has fallen. She has a present for Molly, a new dress for the wedding! Molly is happy. [14]

Molly finally gets asked out by Bill for coffee and she accepts! [15]

Season 9[]

Season 10[]

Season 11[]







  • She has appeared in more episodes than her daughter.
  • She is one of the characters that has appeared in every season since the first.

