When Calls the Heart Wiki

This wiki follows the Hallmark series When Calls the Heart and it's spin off series When Hope Calls. We are always looking for help and new editors, check with an admin if you have any questions!


When Calls the Heart Wiki
When Calls the Heart Wiki

"You Get What You Give" is the second episode in the twelfth season of When Calls the Heart. It originally aired on January 12 in 2025.


When comic book mania causes disruptions in Elizabeth's classroom, she tries a new approach to keeping her students engaged. Rosemary's radio program is set to debut. As she searches for a story fit to air, she finds that it might be right under her nose. In an effort to boost Oliver's confidence, Nathan enlists his help in an assignment and discovers a new side to his new cadet. Meanwhile, Allie confides in Elizabeth about her future. Mike and Mei return from their honeymoon and find that marriage is not off to the start they'd expected. As Lucas and Lee work on the national park, Lucas meets Edie, a new political player.



Act One[]

Act Two[]

Act Three[]

Act Four[]

Act Five[]


Main Cast[]

Recurring Cast[]


Journeys don’t always start with a destination.” -Elizabeth


The title of this episode comes from a 1998 song by the New Radicals.

